Fee Waiver Information

Fee Information

Utah law permits schools to charge fees in grades seven through twelve. A student may be charged fees for participation in school classes, activities and programs. A student cannot be requested or required to pay any fee unless that request or requirement has been approved by the local Board of Education and included in the school or district fee schedule. Utah law requires schools that charge fees to ensure that a fee waiver or other provisions in lieu of a fee waiver is available to any student whose families are unable to pay a fee.

School Fees Notice for Families of Students in Grades 7-12

Aviso de Cuotas Escolares Para Familias de Estudiantes de Grados 7-12

DSD High School Fee Schedule 2023-24


All applications should be filled out and returned to school office

Fee Waiver Applications must have income verification attached. The Davis School District requires proof of eligibility. (See Fee Waiver Application Information for approved categories).

Fee Waiver Applications are due August 21, 2023. Students who register after the due date have one month from enrollment to submit an application.

Fee waivers are not retroactive.

Fee Waiver Application
English      Español

Instructions to apply for free and reduced lunch (Instrucciones para solicitar almuerzo gratis o a precio reducido).