Fee Schedule/Waivers
School Fees and Fee Waivers
Davis School District has adopted school fees, fee waiver (and appeal), and a fee schedule, in accordance with the guidance and rules set forth by the Utah State Board of Education. State Board policy (R277-407) allows for school districts to charge fees to help fund and support school programs & extra-curricular activities. Our local School Board is committed to minimizing the cost of these fees which impact families.
Each school year the School Fee Committee, consisting of parents, students, and district employees, review these fees each year and propose any changes to the Board for the upcoming school year.
Building principals (or their assigned assistant principal), have been designated as the administrators of school fees and fee waivers. If a Fee Waiver application is denied, a Fee Waiver Appeal Form may be completed and given to the building principal within ten (10) days of receiving notice of denial.
Thank you,
Davis School District Fee Committee
Secondary School Notice Requirements
Each secondary school in the District is required to provide notice to parents annually about the District's school fees schedule and fee waiver policy.
Schools shall include a copy of the applicable fee schedule (above) along with the following State Board approved notices in its registration materials, and provide a copy of this information to a student's parent who enrolls a student after the initial enrollment period.
Elementary School Notice Requirements
Elementary schools may not charge fees for classes and activities during the regular school day.
An elementary school or elementary school teacher may provide to a student's parent, a suggested list of student supplies for use during the regular school day so that a parent may furnish, on a voluntary basis, student supplies for student use, provided the following notice is provided with the list:
NOTICE: The items on this list will be used during the regular school day. They may be brought from home on a voluntary basis, otherwise, they will be furnished by the school.
Elementary schools may charge fees, subject to the Board approved fee schedule, in connection with any school-sponsored program or activity, that does not take place during the regular school day, if the activity does not affect a student's grade or ability to participate fully in any course taught during the school day. Schools charging such fees shall include a copy of the applicable fee schedule (above) along with the following State Board approved notices in its registration materials, and provide a copy of this information to a student's parent who enrolls a student after the initial enrollment period.
In the School Fees Form Packets you will find:
Fee Waiver Form
A school shall provide written notice of its decision to grant or deny a fee waiver request to parents using the standardized state board fee waiver decision and appeal form.
Fee Waiver Appeal Form.
Application to be completed by parents seeking a fee waiver for their student.
Service Agreement Form.
School Fee Notice.
Describes Utah law permitting schools to charge fees in grades K-6.